Chairman and players pay for coach travel to Wigan

As a huge thank you to all our supporters for their continued fantastic support, home and away this season, the chairman and players are offering free coach travel for all fans travelling to the JJB stadium for our crucial match against Wigan Athletic on April 28th.

The gesture is an initiative thought up by the players themselves to show their gratitude to all Hammers fans who have been their 12th man throughout this tough season and have spurred them on to victory for the last three matches.

Hammers right-back Lucas Neill thought the idea up with skipper Nigel Reo-Coker:

"After the Arsenal game, me and Nigel Reo-Coker came up with the idea between us and approached the rest of the lads, who were more than happy to take part.

"We just felt that the atmosphere the fans have created in the last few weeks really has been crucial in contributing to our last few results and we just wanted to say thank you really and do what we could to make sure that atmosphere is there again at what could be a very crucial match at the JJB Stadium.

"The whole feeling of the team is that the fans have had to endure an indifferent season and we just wanted to make a gesture that represents how much we appreciate their loyalty and support."

Tickets are selling quickly and the maximum allocation of 5,100 has now been requested - your support will play a vital role in the remainder of the fight for survival.

With five coaches already full anyone that has pre purchased a coach ticket will automatically receive a full refund on the travel cost, those that paid using a credit or debit card will have all monies credited onto the appropriate card number, any cash & cheque payments will both be forwarded a cheque. We would hope that all refunds will be complete within 14 working days.

Tickets for the Wigan fixture are now on general sale through the tickets office, telephone bookings can be made on 0870 112 2700 alternatively please visit the stadium ticket office during opening hours.