Mervyn delighted with Hammers revival

Mervyn Day has paid tribute to the Hammers' recent resurgence. "I think we've rediscovered what it takes to win," he said. "Hopefully we can build on that over the next five or six weeks and who knows where it might take us.

"Even if you look up to Middlesbrough, they're only ten points ahead of us. Anyone could be dragged into it and that's obviously our aim. To do that you have to put in the type of performance we did on Saturday.

"The last few performances have been excellent. When we play at our best they pressurise the opposition very quickly and well and we make more tackles in midfield.

"In terms of the amount of distance covered against Middlesbrough, you can't praise any of the players too highly. They worked their socks off and got their just rewards."

Looking ahead to the Arsenal match on Saturday, Mervyn said: "Every game in this league is different and you have to set certain standards and if we reach those standards and get a result, tremendous.

"If you reach those standards and you don't get a result, so long as you've had an acceptable, hard-working performance with the right kind of attitude, then we'll take whatever result comes."

To watch the full interview with Mervyn, log on to WHUTV here .