Harewood and Walker sign contract extensions

Marlon Harewood and Jimmy Walker have both pledged their futures to the Club by signing contract extensions.

Striker Harewood has signed a new deal keeping him at Upton Park until at least 2010, his reasons for committing to the Hammers were quite simple,

"I am enjoying playing football for West Ham and this is where I want to stay," said last season's top scorer. "I have had three good seasons at the Club and I hope to have many more to come.

"The future is looking good here and I want to be part of it, this is a great Club with a great bunch of lads and a great team spirit that I want to remain involved in."

Goalkeeper Jimmy Walker has also signed a one-year extension taking his commitment to the Club to Summer 2008.

Jimmy is also happy to get his situation sorted and remain at the Hammers.

"I am made up to get it all sorted. There was a lot of speculation in the press over the Summer about me leaving but I always wanted to stay here and I am glad the Club have showed faith in me.

"The fans have always been good to me and given me a good reception and they are one of the big reasons I want to stay at West Ham. I appreciate it will be difficult in terms of first team places with 2 other top quality 'keepers here but I will just keep doing my best and hopefully we can all help West Ham have another good season."