In The Hotseat . . . Paul Konchesky

Welcome to a brand new exclusive feature on, where every week we will be delving into the mind and personality of an Upton Park first team star.

We have devised a list of 50 offbeat, lifestyle questions and will be asking a different player each week to answer 14 of them - simply by randomly selecting numbers from 1-50.

To start the series, we put Paul Konchesky under the spotlight and discovered some interesting facts about the popular Hammers defender!

Paul Konchesky . . . In The Hotseat

Q1. If you could invite any person in the world to dinner, who would it be?
A. Lionel Richie

Q3. What was the first car you owned?
A. A blue Ford Fiesta.

Q5. What was the last album you downloaded to your iPod?
A. Lionel Richie's latest album.

Q12. If you were cooking to impress a girl, what dish would you select?
A. I have never cooked for a girl - I would much rather take them out for a nice meal!

Q14. What was your best and worst subject at school?
A. Best was PE, worst was history.

Q18. Which football team did you support as a boy?
A. West Ham of course!

Q21. Who do you regard as your best friend in the world?
A. My little boy Connor.

Q25. What song would you choose if ordered to take part in Karaoke?
A. It's Raining Men by The Weather Girls!

Q27. Do you own any pets?
A. Two boxer dogs called Murphy and Hunni.

Q31. What is the best holiday you have ever been on?
A. To Dubai last year with my girlfriend.

Q33. Use three words to describe your character.
A. Kind, thoughtful and hardworking.

Q40. If you could pick an actor to play your life story, who would it be?
A. Ray Winstone, because he is a West Ham fan!

Q44. What is your favourite film of all time?
A. Scarface.

Q48. What was the last item you spent more than a £100 on?
A. A pair of D&G combat trousers.


by Miranda Nagalingam