Tickets available on turnstiles tonight

The ticket office would like to remind supporters that tickets are still available for tonight's FA Cup fifth round replay clash and prices start from £30 for adults and £16 for under-16s.

At this late stage, only existing season ticket or clubcard holders are able to make a telephone or internet booking - those already with an access card can make a booking without the need for any collections from the ticket office with the access card used becoming active for the match once the booking is complete. Booking confirmation and seat details can be sent via email or SMS.

Alternatively, tickets can still be booked during the day from either the stadium ticket office or our store in Lakeside. However, if you are unable to reach either, supporters can also pay at the turnstiles shown below from 6.30pm onwards:

Area Turnstile Adults
Centenary lower 1
Bobby Moore upper
East Stand upper 60
Dr Martens upper

While sufficient tickets will be available for supporters arriving this evening without having pre-purchased, we would like to advise these fans to arrive at the stadium as early as possible. In the past, large numbers of supporters arriving late can cause congestion and, at worst, delays entering the stadium.