Man of the Moment 6: Danny Gabbidon

Danny Gabbidon this week became only the third player in West Ham United's history to win the coveted Hammer of the Year award in his debut season at Upton Park. Since arriving from Cardiff City last summer, the Welsh international defender has played a pivotal role in the success enjoyed by Alan Pardew's men upon their return to the Premiership and, in a campaign when the Hammers boss has been able to count upon reliable consistency all over the field, his 26-year-old central defender epitomised it more than anyone. Here Danny reflects on a memorable first year in the claret and blue...

Q: First of all Danny, your reaction to being named Hammer of the Year?
A: It's a great honour and a fantastic achievement in my first season at West Ham - I could never have dreamed of winning the Player of the Season award in my first year here. There have been some great players to have won the award over the years, and I'm obviously delighted to have added my name to that list. It's been a fantastic campaign so far - both for myself and the Club - and there are a number of players who could have won the award this year, which makes it even more special."

Q: And in a season when our attacking play has earned so many plaudits, it must give you even greater satisfaction to win it as a defender?
A: Yeah, it's normally the goalscorers who get all the glory, but this proves that West Ham fans know their stuff and can see that defenders are just as important as strikers! Seriously, though, Marlon has had a great season, and I wouldn't have begrudged him the award. To score the amount of goals he has scored in his first real season in the Premiership is a great achievement, and there have been other players who deserved to be in the running.

Q: You seem to have settled in from day one at Upton Park, on and off the pitch. What was the key behind your great start upon joining from Cardiff City?
A: I think everything just gelled from the word go, to be honest. The new signings settled in immediately - myself, Konch, Ginge and Yossi were all made to feel welcome - and there there was a lot of confidence around the Club after the promotion success last year. We knew that if we started the season well, it would put us in good shape for the rest of the year, and that is what happened. If we'd lost the first couple, it might have put us on the slippery slope, but the confidence was flying after that first win against Blackburn, and it's just got better from there.
"For me personally, it helped that I came with James, because we were both stuck in a hotel for a couple of months, so we were able to keep each other company. Also, a lot of the other lads are of a similar age and have similar interests, so it was easy to build friendships."

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Q: What would you say has been the biggest factor behind our magnificent first season back in the Premiership?
A: I think confidence plays a big part and, as time went on, we began to realise that there were things we could achieve this season. The first aim was to secure Premiership football for next season, and we managed that with quite a few games to go, so we were then able to look at what was in front of us and attack it with confidence. That is what we have done with the FA Cup run, and also with the aim of trying to finish as high in the league as possible. We've already qualified for Europe next season, and now we're just one step away from winning a major trophy. That is a lovely position to be in, and we will go to Cardiff with the same confidence when we face Liverpool. On the day, who knows what can happen?"

Q: Has the achievement of reaching the FA Cup final hit home yet?
A: It's starting to sink in now. Obviously it's a massive achievement for the Club as a whole and something that, at the start of the season, we could never have envisaged. I think it's testament to all of the hard work that everyone has put in, and now everyone is excited and looking forward to the final."

Q: Will it be extra special for you playing the final back in Cardiff?
A: Yeah, I haven't been home for ages, so I can't wait! It's going to be a great occasion - playing an FA Cup final in my home town. I've only played club football on one other occasion at the Millennium Stadium, when Cardiff got to the play-off final a few years ago and won. That was an unbelievable day, but there are different emotions attached to an FA Cup final, and I just can't wait for the experience."

Q: And have you managed to keep track of the ticket requests from friends and family?!
A: Well, I reckon me and James could probably fill half of the stadium with the amount of requests we have had! In fact, this is a good chance to send out a message to anyone who has asked me for tickets - I've done my best but I'm afraid it's not looking good!"

Q: Finally, you've enjoyed a fantastic campaign in the centre of defence - the only thing missing so far has been some success at the other end! Can we expect to see a Gabbidon goal before the end of the season?
A: I hope so - apparently it's only me and the goalkeepers who haven't scored yet! I had a go against West Brom on Monday with a little 30-yarder but the goalkeeper caught it pretty comfortably, so I'll have to try and get a bit closer. I'm not that worried, though, my job is to defend and stop goals at the other end, so that's what I concentrate on. When I first signed, the gaffer told me that he wanted me to defend and not be as cavalier as I had been at times when playing for Cardiff. So I took that out of my game and I think it has made be a better player. Hopefully my first goal will come at the Millennium Stadium on May 13!