Hammers v Liverpool

92 mins: Goal kick taken long by Jerzy Dudek.

91 mins: Djibril Cisse caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by James Walker from own half, resulting in open play.

91 mins: Foul by Anton Ferdinand on John Arne Riise. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Stephen Warnock from own half, resulting in open play.

90 mins: Defending throw-in by Elliot Ward.

90 mins: Foul by Marlon Harewood on Stephen Warnock. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Jerzy Dudek from own half, resulting in open play.

89 mins: Attacking throw-in by Lionel Scaloni.

88 mins: Defending throw-in by Carl Fletcher.

87 mins: Shot by Mohamed Sissoko volleyed left-footed from left channel (30 yards), save (caught) by James Walker.

87 mins: Attacking throw-in by Jamie Carragher.

86 mins: Foul by Mohamed Sissoko on Marlon Harewood. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Elliot Ward from right wing, passed.

85 mins: Attacking throw-in by Stephen Warnock.

85 mins: Goal kick taken long by Jerzy Dudek.

84 mins: substitution: Fernando Morientes replaced by John Arne Riise (tactical).

84 mins: Corner from left by-line taken short left-footed by Matthew Etherington. Shot by Lionel Scaloni drilled right-footed from left channel (25 yards), over the bar.

83 mins: Shot by Djibril Cisse right-footed from centre of penalty area (12 yards), save (parried) by James Walker. Shot by Djibril Cisse right-footed from centre of penalty area (12 yards), missed right. Goal kick taken short by James Walker.

80 mins: Foul by Sanz Luis Garcia on Hayden Mullins. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Elliot Ward from own half, resulting in open play.

81 mins: Hayden Mullins dismissed for violent conduct. Sanz Luis Garcia dismissed for violent conduct.

79 mins: substitution: Robbie Fowler replaced by Sanz Luis Garcia (tactical).

77 mins: Defending throw-in by Jamie Carragher.

77 mins: Attacking throw-in by Lionel Scaloni.

76 mins: substitution: Yossi Benayoun replaced by Marlon Harewood (tactical).

75 mins: Foul by Bobby Zamora on Djimi Traore. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Stephen Warnock from own half, passed.

74 mins: Teddy Sheringham caught offside. Indirect free kick taken left-footed by Jerzy Dudek from own half, resulting in open play.

74 mins: Attacking throw-in by Yossi Benayoun.

73 mins: Attacking throw-in by Jamie Carragher.Corner from left by-line taken short left-footed by Yossi Benayoun.

73 mins: Defending throw-in by Lionel Scaloni.

71 mins: Nigel Reo-Coker caught offside. Indirect free kick taken left-footed by Jerzy Dudek from own half, resulting in open play.

70 mins: Foul by Robbie Fowler on Lionel Scaloni. Direct free kick taken right-footed by James Walker from own half, passed.

69 mins: Cross by Bobby Zamora, save (caught) by Jerzy Dudek.

69 mins: Foul by Jan Kromkamp on Carl Fletcher. Free kick crossed right-footed by Yossi Benayoun from left wing, save (punched) by Jerzy Dudek.

68 mins: Cross by Yossi Benayoun, blocked by Djimi Traore. Inswinging corner from right by-line taken left-footed by Matthew Etherington to near post, clearance by Jamie Carragher.

67 mins: Shot by Dietmar Hamann drilled right-footed from right channel (25 yards), missed left. Goal kick taken short by James Walker.

66 mins: Shot by Matthew Etherington left-footed from left side of penalty area (12 yards), save (parried) by Jerzy Dudek.

65 mins: Defending throw-in by Anton Ferdinand.

65 mins: Attacking throw-in by Mohamed Sissoko.

64 mins: Foul by Lionel Scaloni on Djibril Cisse. Free kick crossed right-footed by Dietmar Hamann from right wing, clearance by Elliot Ward.

62 mins: Foul by Nigel Reo-Coker on Stephen Warnock. substitution: Steve Finnan replaced by Sami Hyypia (tactical). Direct free kick taken left-footed by Djimi Traore from own half, resulting in open play.

61 mins: Shot by Djibril Cisse left-footed from left side of penalty area (12 yards), missed left. Goal kick taken short by James Walker.

60 mins: Inswinging corner from right by-line taken left-footed by Matthew Etherington to far post, clearance by Jamie Carragher.

58 mins: Fernando Morientes caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by James Walker from own half, resulting in open play.

58 mins: Attacking throw-in by Stephen Warnock.

58 mins: Attacking throw-in by Stephen Warnock.

57 mins: Shot by Anton Ferdinand right-footed from centre of penalty area (12 yards), missed left. Goal kick taken long by Jerzy Dudek.

56 mins: Foul by Stephen Warnock on Hayden Mullins. Free kick drilled left-footed by Matthew Etherington from right channel (20 yards), save (parried) by Jerzy Dudek.

55 mins: Cross by Matthew Etherington, blocked by Steve Finnan. Inswinging corner from left by-line taken right-footed by Yossi Benayoun to near post, clearance by Fernando Morientes.

54 mins: Attacking throw-in by Yossi Benayoun.

53 mins: Goal by Djibril Cisse (Liverpool) right-footed (low centre of goal) from centre of penalty area (12 yards).West Ham 1-2 Liverpool. Assist (pass) by Robbie Fowler (Liverpool) from own half.

52 mins: Attacking throw-in by Lionel Scaloni.

52 mins: Inswinging corner from right by-line taken left-footed by Matthew Etherington to far post, save (punched) by Jerzy Dudek.

51 mins: Nigel Reo-Coker caught offside. Indirect free kick taken left-footed by Jerzy Dudek from own half, resulting in open play.

50 mins: Attacking throw-in by Anton Ferdinand.

48 mins: Attacking throw-in by Steve Finnan.

48 mins: Bobby Zamora caught offside. Indirect free kick taken left-footed by Jerzy Dudek from own half, passed.

47 mins: Shot by Fernando Morientes volleyed right-footed from centre of penalty area (12 yards), hit bar.

47 mins: Foul by Carl Fletcher on Fernando Morientes. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Dietmar Hamann from own half, passed.

46 mins: Attacking throw-in by Stephen Warnock.

45 mins: Goal by Nigel Reo-Coker (West Ham) right-footed (low centre of goal) from centre of penalty area (6 yards).West Ham 1-1 Liverpool. Assist (pass) by Bobby Zamora (West Ham) from right side of penalty area.

45 mins: substitution: James Collins replaced by Carl Fletcher (tactical).

46 mins: Defending throw-in by Steve Finnan.

46 mins: Attacking throw-in by Lionel Scaloni.

46 mins: Attacking throw-in by Matthew Etherington.

45 mins: Attacking throw-in by Matthew Etherington.

44 mins: Cross by Bobby Zamora, header by Yossi Benayoun from centre of penalty area (6 yards), over the bar. Goal kick taken long by Jerzy Dudek.

43 mins: Cross by Anton Ferdinand, header by Teddy Sheringham from centre of penalty area (12 yards), missed right. Goal kick taken long by Jerzy Dudek.

41 mins: Bobby Zamora caught offside. Indirect free kick taken left-footed by Jerzy Dudek from own half, resulting in open play.

41 mins: Cross by Mohamed Sissoko, clearance by Lionel Scaloni.

41 mins: Attacking throw-in by Stephen Warnock.

39 mins: Defending throw-in by Anton Ferdinand.

39 mins: Shot by Bobby Zamora drilled left-footed from left side of penalty area (18 yards), save (caught) by Jerzy Dudek.

38 mins: Teddy Sheringham caught offside. Indirect free kick taken left-footed by Jerzy Dudek from own half, resulting in open play.

38 mins: Fernando Morientes caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by James Walker from own half, resulting in open play.

36 mins: Defending throw-in by Steve Finnan.

36 mins: Attacking throw-in by Steve Finnan.

34 mins: Foul by Matthew Etherington on Jerzy Dudek. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Jerzy Dudek from own half, resulting in open play.

34 mins: Shot by Djibril Cisse drilled right-footed from right channel (30 yards), save (caught) by James Walker.

33 mins: Attacking throw-in by Lionel Scaloni.

32 mins: Attacking throw-in by Matthew Etherington.

32 mins: Attacking throw-in by Matthew Etherington.

31 mins: Cross by Steve Finnan, clearance by Hayden Mullins.

31 mins: Foul by Teddy Sheringham on Steve Finnan. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Steve Finnan from right wing, passed.

31 mins: Defending throw-in by Steve Finnan.

30 mins: Foul by Nigel Reo-Coker on Mohamed Sissoko. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Stephen Warnock from left wing, resulting in open play.

29 mins: Shot by Robbie Fowler right-footed from left channel (18 yards), missed right. Goal kick taken long by James Walker.

28 mins: Foul by Nigel Reo-Coker on Dietmar Hamann. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Dietmar Hamann from right wing, passed.

27 mins: Bobby Zamora caught offside. Indirect free kick taken left-footed by Jerzy Dudek from own half, resulting in open play.

27 mins: Attacking throw-in by Yossi Benayoun.

26 mins: Defending throw-in by Anton Ferdinand.

25 mins: Bobby Zamora caught offside. Indirect free kick taken left-footed by Jerzy Dudek from own half, resulting in open play.

25 mins: Robbie Fowler caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by James Walker from own half, resulting in open play.

24 mins: Cross by Jan Kromkamp, resulting in ball out of play. Goal kick taken long by James Walker.

23 mins: Attacking throw-in by Lionel Scaloni.

22 mins: Shot by Nigel Reo-Coker drilled right-footed from left channel (25 yards), blocked by Jamie Carragher.

22 mins: Defending throw-in by Anton Ferdinand.

21 mins: Cross by Matthew Etherington, clearance by Jamie Carragher.

21 mins: Defending throw-in by Anton Ferdinand.

21 mins: Defending throw-in by Lionel Scaloni.

20 mins: Shot by Yossi Benayoun volleyed right-footed from right side of penalty area (12 yards), save (caught) by Jerzy Dudek.

19 mins: Foul by Mohamed Sissoko on Nigel Reo-Coker. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Elliot Ward from left channel, passed.

19 mins: Defending throw-in by Stephen Warnock.

18 mins: Goal by Djibril Cisse (Liverpool) drilled right-footed (bottom-left of goal) from left channel (25 yards).West Ham 0-1 Liverpool. Assist (pass) by Mohamed Sissoko (Liverpool) from left channel.

17 mins: Goal kick taken long by James Walker.

14 mins: Defending throw-in by Anton Ferdinand.

14 mins: Defending throw-in by Anton Ferdinand.

13 mins: Goal kick taken long by Jerzy Dudek.

13 mins: Attacking throw-in by Lionel Scaloni.

12 mins: Goal kick taken long by James Walker.

11 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Dietmar Hamann to near post, header by Djibril Cisse from right side of penalty area (6 yards), over the bar. Goal kick taken long by James Walker.

10 mins: Cross by Djibril Cisse, clearance by Elliot Ward.

9 mins: Shot by Djibril Cisse right-footed from left channel (25 yards), save (parried) by James Walker.

9 mins: Attacking throw-in by Lionel Scaloni.

8 mins: Foul by Nigel Reo-Coker on Jan Kromkamp. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Jamie Carragher from own half, resulting in open play.

8 mins: Foul by Jamie Carragher on Nigel Reo-Coker. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Elliot Ward from own half, passed.

7 mins: Shot by Djibril Cisse right-footed from left side of penalty area (12 yards), blocked by James Collins. Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Dietmar Hamann to near post, clearance by Nigel Reo-Coker.

7 mins: Defending throw-in by Nigel Reo-Coker.

6 mins: Inswinging corner from left by-line taken right-footed by Dietmar Hamann to near post, clearance by Nigel Reo-Coker.

5 mins: Attacking throw-in by Stephen Warnock.

4 mins: Defending throw-in by Lionel Scaloni.

4 mins: Attacking throw-in by Stephen Warnock.

4 mins: Defending throw-in by Lionel Scaloni.

3 mins: Goal kick taken long by Jerzy Dudek.

3 mins: Robbie Fowler caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by James Walker from own half, resulting in open play.

2 mins: Goal kick taken short by James Walker.

3 mins: Goal kick taken short by Jerzy Dudek.

1 min: Shot by Bobby Zamora right-footed from centre of penalty area (18 yards), blocked by Jamie Carragher.

0 min: Goal kick taken long by James Walker.