Pards: We are fired up and raring to go

Alan Pardew insists that he and his team are fully prepared and raring to go ahead of what will hopefully turn out to be a momentous occasion for West Ham United today.

The Hammers face Middlesbrough in the FA Cup semi-final at Villa Park this afternoon knowing that a victory would not only secure our first trip to the final for 26 years, but also guarantee a place in next season's UEFA Cup and, with that carrot dangling in front of his team, Pards is confident they will seize the moment.

"There are two goals in front of this team," he says. "One is that we are 90 minutes away from European football - something that not many people gave us a realistic chance of achieving at the start of the season. If we can do that, we have then got the second goal in front of us, with the chance to win a major trophy.

"We are really looking forward to the game and will be as prepared as we possibly can be for every eventuality this afternoon. That is one thing I can promise our supporters - this will be the best-prepared team I have put out this season. We realise that we have a chance to grab glory this season, and we are determined to do it.

"It is going to be difficult for us. Middlesbrough are further down the line than we are in terms of experience and occasions like this one, which gives them a slight advantage, but on our part we will just try and approach the game in the same way we have done all year - with exuberance and lots of energy."

[QUOTE]"This will be the best-prepared team I have put out this season. We realise that we have a chance to grab glory this season, and we are determined to do it."[/QUOTE]

For the 20,000-plus Hammers fans making their way up to Villa Park for our first FA Cup semi-final in 15 years today, the occasion will become all the more emotional following last week's tragic loss of John Lyall, arguably the greatest manager in West Ham United's history.

Pards admits that there would be no more fitting tribute to his memory than if Hammers could go on to lift the most famous domestic trophy for only the fourth time in our history, but insists that, however things turn out today, John will be remembered in the perfect way.

"It would be lovely," he says, "and a beautiful tribute to the memory of both John Lyall and Ron Greenwood if we could go on to win the trophy that only those two men have brought back to Upton Park in the past.

"It's a tall order for the players, and they are under enough pressure as it is, but all I am pleased about is that we have got a big game this weekend to highlight John Lyall's legacy at West Ham United.

"At least that can be underlined more than it might be on a less prestigious occasion. We will have the chance as a team, and as a Club, to pay our respects to John in front of the entire country…and that is lovely."