Let's Play Ball!

TEAM spirit is one thing that is abundant in the West Ham United squad at the moment and has been a contributing factor to the great start the Hammers have had to their Premiership campaign.

However with a break for internationals and over a week until the Hammers are back in action there is always time for a good bit of team-building and what better way to bond than a day out paint-balling!

Canary Wharf was the venue for this 'friendly activity day' as organiser Niall Clarke dubbed it, but we have all seen the Hammers competitive streak on the pitch and it was to be no different out on the battle-field of the Indoor Paintball Centre.

The teams were the staff and 'older' players (Teddy, Marlon and Hayden Mullins) versus the youngsters. Pards had unsurprisingly decided to sit this one out so it is fair to say, Assistant Manager Peter 'Granty' Grant was the main target of the day, not just from the opposing team but from some of his own team mates who clearly saw this as a good opportunity to reap revenge for those tough training sessions at Chadwell Heath!

There was a quick briefing then it was time for the battle to commence…! Considering this was Niall's chosen activity he didn't display the greatest amount of skill in the first round being the first one out within a matter of minutes - he explained the reason for this as being 'I was getting bored and just thought I would make a run for the flag' - good tactics Niall!

The youngsters were winners in game one with on-loan French striker David Bellion grabbing the flag and victory for his team. But the 'veterans' found their feet and went on to win the next three battles Vass Petrou (Club Masseur), Paul Hunter (physio) and Marlon Harewood all claiming the flag with ease and showing the younger lads how it should be done.

The final two games turned into a free-for-all with any respect of the rules going straight out of the window and Granty becoming a marked man as his fellow team member Marlon turned on him and let rip, Teddy, Wardy and several other players also made sure they had a pop just for good measure!

All in all it was a good team-building exercise, a fun day out and served it's purpose of giving the players a break from their normal routine. It remains to be seen how Peter Grant will get his revenge in training next week…