Pards Calls For Big Game Strength

ALAN Pardew believes his Hammers squad have the strength of character to rise to the occasion at Portman Road on Wednesday night.

Time and again this season, West Ham have demonstrated their penchant for the big occasions, and Pards is confident his squad will respond positively to the big match atmosphere of the Play-off semi-final second leg.

"We've shown this season that we like the big occasions," he explained, "and that can only be a positive thing going into a game as tense as this.

"We've won at some tough places this season, where we've had to show a lot of character and spirit and I'm confident we'll respond in the right way on Wednesday.

"I think there's only one occasion since I've been at the Club when we haven't performed on the big stage.

"That was in the Play-off Final last season, and that's something we don't intend to repeat.

"We're looking forward to the tie. Our preparation over the last few days has been really positive and we're going into it determined to do ourselves justice.

"The most important thing is we win and we go through to the Final. Nothing else matters to us and we're thinking of nothing else."

Alan admits that in every big game the way a team starts is often crucial, setting the tone for the rest of their performance. But the Hammers boss admitted that his side must also ensure that they maintain their level of performance throughout the second leg.

"The start of every game is always vital," he admitted, "but for us at the moment it is seeing the game through that has been a problem.

"That's something we've been working on, making sure we control the game. Obviously if we are trailing coming to the end of the game then we'll be pushing forward and looking to get back in it.

"But hopefully we can get off to another excellent start, just like we did at Upton Park, and then make sure we protect the lead and look to kill the tie off by nicking something on the break.

"That's the way I perceive the ideal scenario and hopefully we can achieve it."

Pards has total faith in the mental strength of his players. He has seen the young players of his squad show incredible maturity under difficult circumstances and is confident that they will come into their own in the second leg.

"Our players have proved that their character is sound this season," he said. "These are big game players and that will hopefully come to the fore on Wednesday night.

"We know that as a squad we've all got to play well on the night. But the team ethic is excellent here. We'll play and work as a team and it's our performance as a unit that will be crucial.

"On the night we will be as strong as our weakest player. To play well our weakest player will have to be right at the top of his game, because that's often the area that will cost you.

"But everyone needs to play well. We've all got to be on our mettle and I've got no doubt that we will be come Wednesday night."