50 And Counting...

Managing Director Paul Aldridge reveals that the club have had 50 serious applications for the manager's position at Upton Park.

"We have received 50 applications from within football and it is a case of whittling them down to a shortlist in due course," he says.

While the priority is to make the right decision rather than the quick one, there is an awareness that - ideally, at least - the new man can be installed before the end of the current two week break.

Says Trevor Brooking: "After the Reading game there are five games in two weeks, and that is tough for someone coming in - when you are getting a game every three days - to get to know everyone.

"So a good time to get someone in would be in this two week lull.

"There is a whole range of categories and whoever you appoint there will be people who will say we should have gone for someone in another category.

"It is not any disrespect to whoever is appointed to say they will have to prove their merit when they are in the job.

"I don't think there are any certainties out there and we have got to try and have a little gamble and hope we can give them the support to come through.

"I know a lot of people that are on the list, whether as a player, socially, or whatever, and what I have found out doing the job in the three weeks last season, and last week, is that a lot of the key is half an hour before kick off, half time, and during the match.

"And I don't know what the person would be like at those times unless I had played under them - and goodness me, if I had played under them they'd have to be getting on a bit.

"Yes, you know them, but how they react, and how they are as a manager is not an easy one. I am in the game and I don't want to underestimate how difficult a job it is.

"I'm spreading the load here because I don't want to be blamed when the appointment is made!

"But seriously, it is tough. It it will be a board decision and you try and sound people out.

"The first priority is that you have to get out of this division and everyone says 'you need someone who will know the Premiership' - but we could be in this division for three or four years.

"It is no good knowing the Premiership if you don't get out of here, so you have got to look at where we are now and then face the next step if there is a next step.

"It is tough to bounce back. We have got that little bit of quality but what no team in this division lacks is effort.

"If we don't do that we will be coming back from a few long trips with our tails between our legs."