Ludo Relieved

Ludek Miklosko admits that he was "in shock for a week" after Glenn Roeder was taken ill following the Middlesbrough game - and is delighted that he is making a quick recovery.

Ludo was in Glenn's office when he collapsed after the Middlesbrough game and did his best to make Glenn comfortable prior to the club doctor, Ges Steinbergs, being summoned by coach Roger Cross to attend to him.

Ludo was visibly upset at the time by the incident, having remained with him until the ambulance arrived at Upton Park, and admits he is so pleased that Glenn will be back at work full time soon.

"It is brilliant because it was really scary; I am very pleased that Glenn is fine now and I am really looking forward to next season," he says.

"I was there when he was ill and for one week I was in shock; it was difficult to get over it and it is good news that he is progressing.

"Now he is fine although he needs a little bit more rest, but I hear that he is working very hard now.

"I knew there was something wrong but I didn't know if it was a heart attack or what - but I am very glad that he is fine because everyone was worried and it is good now that everyone can focus on the football.

"I think everyone did their best and it was maybe lucky that Ges was still at Upton Park - it might have been more serious if he wasn't.

"I know it will be difficult next season but I am confident we can do it and go back straight away."