Lee Plays Through Pain

Glenn Roeder reveals that Lee Bowyer has been playing through the pain since joining West Ham from Leeds - but says the two week break coming up will enable him to get up to full fitness.

It is typical of the player that he has not complained about the injury which, to some extent, has hampered him, and Glenn says:

"He came to us with a slight ankle problem which hasn't cleared up 100%.

"But after the game on Saturday, with a two week break, Lee will get the rest period after an ankle injection to be certain that the problem is cleared up by the time we get to West Brom.

"He is a very hardy man, a tough one, and I have got to say I have found him to be a very low maintenance player around the training ground - he is an excellent professional.

"That is how you want your players, not ones that are always whinging or whining, saying this isn't right or that's not right and fortunately we have very few of them that fall into that category.

"The majority of them are easy to deal with on a daily basis - and Lee is very much one of those.

"He comes in, does his training, does what you ask him to in a committed and motivated way, then goes home.

"He hasn't been a problem around the place at all and gets on tremendously well with the players.

"He will play a major part in our season and the experience he has had with Leeds has helped him become the player he is today.

"Lee wants to go back and have a terrific game but he would sacrifice that for us to win; he wants a good team performance before putting himself first."

There were stories circulating early in the week that Lee could be moving to Newcastle in the summer, though they were denied by the club itself.

As far as Glenn is concerned, what happens next could be determined by what happens to the Hammers, and he says:

"He is only focused on West Ham; we know it will be very difficult to keep Lee at the end of this season, but who knows?

"If we achieve our target of survival in the Premiership and he might just turn round and say 'I want to stay at West Ham, I like the football club, I like working with the players, and I am very positive about the future'.

"But we are not going down that road at the moment; we knew it was short term, we are happy with the conditions of the deal, and we will just have to wait and see.

"He is still learning about us and we are still learning about him."

And, returning to an important theme of this week, he concludes:

"I am going to use the word 'belief' - not all of us, just one, two, three at the most need to regain their belief and when we do that all their ability will come out again."