Agm Results

The board of West Ham United plc are pleased to report that at the Annual General Meeting of the company held at the Boleyn Ground earlier today four resolutions were considered and passed with overwhelming support from the shareholders.

The first resolution to adopt the directors' report and accounts for the year ended 31st May 2003 was approved with 16,026,780 shares in favour of the resolution and 129,336 shares against, a majority of 99.2% in favour of the resolution and 0.8% against.

The second resolution to re-elect Mr Paul Aldridge as a director of the company was approved with 15,950,609 shares in favour of the resolution and 205,507 shares against, a majority of 98.7% in favour of the resolution and 1.3% against.

The third resolution to re-elect Mr Charles Warner as a director of the company was approved with 16,104,803 shares in favour of the resolution and 51,313 shares against, a majority of 99.7% in favour of the resolution and 0.3% against.

The fourth resolution to re-appoint the Auditors, Deloitte & Touche, was approved with 16,077,466 shares in favour of the resolution and 71,850 shares against, a majority of 99.6% in favour of the resolution and 0.44% against.

Chairman Terence Brown, would like to thank all shareholders for attending today's AGM and for their overwhelming support for the resolutions put to the meeting.

He said:

"To have received an average of 99% support for all four resolutions following last season's relegation is very much appreciated by the board."