Tony On Trevor

Tony Gale believes that the players will respond positively on Sunday when Trevor Brooking takes charge, albeit temporarily, of his first game for West Ham - and insists that Saturday's results will not affect his thinking.

"Trevor is held in great respect throughout the game and he was if not the best then one of the best players in West Ham's history, and he has played for England many times.

"Obviously since he retired from football he has been working on the punditry side on the telly, and has been one of the best at that as well.

"He hasn't said anything down the years to upset anybody so I don't think the players have been too perturbed about Trevor taking over.

"He has got an aura about him so hopefully he can get the boys going on Sunday and the other two games.

"It is interesting that his first game is against his best friend in the England squad, Kevin Keegan, and I can remember him and Kevin Keegan playing a great one two against Scotland with Trevor scoring.

"Their link up play was telepathic so let's hope that they are not reading each other's minds on Sunday!

"It is a new situation for him, but being that it is only for three games, I don't think too many problems are going to crop up with players' contracts and players being out of the side and moaning.

"The players will give him that little bit of leeway that he is in for three games, he is picking the side, these are the results we have got to get, and let's do it for Glenn.

"There's nothing more than the fact that Glenn would have liked to have been at Manchester City himself because the club are on a good run and there has been an upturn in form.

"Hopefully it has not been too little too late but a lot of credit must go to Glenn for turning it around after the turmoil we have had and the injuries and so on.

"It is a logical step to take with only three games to go and if Glenn wasn't well enough to come back they would have to sit down in the summer and think about it - but you can't jump the gun as far as Glenn is concerned at the moment.

"We are still awaiting news and hopefully it is going to be good news that hen is back and he can return to his managerial role.

"But for the last three games I think it is quite logical because Trevor has been in and around the situation; he has been to the training sessions and having a word here and there with Glenn, Paul, and Roger, monitoring how things are going on, especially when we were having that difficult period, and giving advice.

"He has also been in with the chairman Terry Brown, and Paul Aldridge, and I say good luck to him."

As for the issue of team selection, Tony adds:

"I don't think Trevor has too many permutations but the one everyone has been talking about is 'could he bring Paolo back?'

"That might be difficult because of how the other strike partners have been playing, but I think if they could find a way of putting Paolo on the bench I think he could do a great role in the last 20 or 25 minutes."

Much has been made of the fact that Trevor was rumoured to be a possible candidate as manager over a decade ago, and Tony adds:

"I think when the job initially came around, when John Lyall left, Trevor's name was one of those that was in the hat, but to be fair I don't think he was interested at the time because he was intent on pursuing his role in the media which he he's been successful at."

Tony is mindful of the fact that smiles are in short supply with Glenn Roeder ill in hospital, but he does jest:

"Trevor will probably be saying 'at last I have got a decent job and I can't sit on the fence for this one'!

"It is going to be very difficult for him managing the team and commentating at the same time but I am sure he can..."

As for Saturday's results - Bolton getting a point against Arsenal after being 2-0 down, Leeds losing at home to Blackburn, Fulham drawing at Chelsea, and Birmingham beating Middlesbrough 3-0 - Tony says:

"I don't think it affects it - things are still in our own hands and we need to win all three games or at least seven out of nine.

"Bolton were 2-0 down but they showed the spirit we have got to show to get back into game - it was a great result for them, they fought, harried, and rushed Arsenal - and deserved it, quite honestly.

"We have to show the same spirit and if we do we have a chance - and Manchester City do not have the greatest of records against sides below them."

As for coverage - somewhat unseemly so soon, it must be said - about whether Trevor is getting paid to be caretaker manager, Tony adds:

"Trevor is getting enough from the BBC isn't he!

"He is not that type of guy; he has confirmed what we all thought, that he is the right man and it is a good appointment, and it takes the pressure of Paul and Roger.

"Trevor can do the press conference, and if he is not used to press conferences now he never will be!"

Meanwhile, Trevor himself says:

'There is a difference in wage bills in terms of what you can sustain going from one division to another.

"I am sure this club is in a position where there would have to be cuts and that means player movement, but fortunately we won't have to do it by a certain date, as happened to the relegated clubs last year.

"It is something we'll have to look at once we know the situation one way or another.

"We have got some talented individuals in our squad who will attract bids, but the club does not have to get rid of all those players - you have to see what offers come in.

"A few of those lads have a good feeling for the club and maybe you can buy a bit of time in your first season if you go down, by trying to get into contention and sell that philosophy of one season to them.

"I don't think anybody will be making any bids for our players in the next two-and-a-half weeks until we all know what is happening to us, and we'll deal with it then."