Garcia Goes Home

Trialist Oscar Garcia has returned to Spain - and will not be joining the Hammers.

Garcia trained with the players in Portugal before coming to England, where he was originally scheduled to play his part in the first two friendlies of the season - the second being on Tuesday at Southend.

But, to be fair to the player himself, Glenn has decided to let him return to Spain sooner rather than later, and he says: "It was difficult for him on Friday. He has got a decent CV, having spent many seasons with Barcelona playing with some of the best players in the world, and he had a couple of decent seasons at Valencia as well.

"He played with three or four very young players against Orient, fringe players if you want, and that made it harder for him.

"The question was not about his ability on the ball, but about whether he would be suitable for the cut and thrust of the Premiership.

"We obviously wish him well in his search for a new club, and I will continue with my own search."

Garcia himself says Brisbane Road did not phase him even though he has played regularly at stadia such as the Nou Camp and Bernabeu.

"I am used to playing in places like that in pre-season and for a third division team it was a nice field and stadium," he says.

"The coaches treated me very well, and the other players have been very correct with me, so I thank them for that.

"I am now waiting to see what else comes up."