Trevor: I Might Miss Cup

Trevor Sinclair admits he is doubtful for the return to Stamford Bridge next weekend.

He hobbled down the tunnel after coming off worse in a 50-50 tackle with Mario Melchiot during the second half of Sunday's 5-1 defeat at Chelsea, and may not be fit to return for the FA Cup encounter.

"I have got six stitches in my ankle and I will just have to see how it progresses over the next couple of days," he says.

"It was one of those where I was going in fully, and if it was mistimed by the other lad I could have got hurt, but I was frustrated anyway about the game running away from us and we weren't doing things that we had practised through the week - which was really annoying me."

Trevor gives a succinct summary of the game thus: "It was a tough game and we didn't play well, but it should have been 0-0 at half time if we had done a proper job at the corner and people had picked up who they were supposed to.

"If we had defended as a unit we would have gone in at 0-0 not playing well, but instead we go in 1-0 down away from home and then, when we have to keep a cool head with the next goal very important, we decide to play offside when there is no pressure on the ball.

"I think we were causing our own mistakes, our own downfall, and obviously Chelsea have then got their tails in the air, we get a man sent off, and it turns into a bit of a nightmare day.

"The commitment will always be there but we just didn't apply ourselves properly."

As for the 'return' match, which he is unsure of playing in, he says: "It adds a little bit of extra salt and pepper to the game, and it will be interesting, but I don't know if I am going to be available."

With Trevor doubtful, the obvious candidate to replace him would be new signing Vladimir Labant, who steps up his fitness with a game in the reserves against Nottingham Forest at Upton Park on Tuesday night.