Goddard On Winterburn

Paul Goddard is hoping that the system West Ham are employing this season may be of benefit to Nigel Winterburn as he plays on through a slightly restricted training regime which requires a longer recovery period from games than the younger players.

Nigel has been openly contemplating retirement from the game either during, or at the end of this season, and Paul says:

"It is far too early to tell, but there will be only one person to say, and that will be Nigel.

"He has been excellent, though he will have been disappointed with himself at Middlesbrough.

"We have to condition the training for him so he does certain days and rests certain days - but that is no more than any 37 year old ought to be doing.

"A wing back role for Nigel would be a very tough task for him now; I'm sure he could play it but he would be limited to being a defensive wing back and if you start talking about that you lose the benefit of the system."

But the system is not just for Nigel's benefit, of course, as Paul explains:

"I'm sure 4-4-2 is helping Nigel but we think it will help us all in the end in terms of our pattern of play, where we need to be, and the responsibilities of each player - and we are trying to bed that down at the moment."

Hopefully it will help the Hammers to the first win of the season on Sunday - in only the second home game of the campaign.

"I'm sure people are dying to see a game at Upton Park - I'm dying to get there myself!"