Craig Fights Back

Craig Forrest had had an operation for suspected testicular cancer this week, and says he is optimistic that he can be cured.
Club doctor Ges Steinbergs confirms:
"He has been found to have a lump in his testicle for which he has undergone investigations and surgery for a suspected tumour.
"We are awaiting official results of further tests to see what treatment he might need and we will get that next week.
"My instinct is that he is going to be okay; players have had it before and got back to playing.
"We all wish Craig well and are very optimistic the results will be favourable and that he can successfully progress to further treatment."
Craig says he is keeping his spirits up - and is determined to fight the disease.
"I have had an operation that has been successful removing the lump, and that is obviously the first step," he says.
"The next stage is to have tests and a scan, hopefully early next week, to find out if it has spread to other areas.
"I am very confident and optimistic that it will be okay though it is possible that even if the scan comes up negative I will still have to have some treatment as a precaution.
"I have got my fingers crossed and am hoping that everything is fine come next week.
"Nothing is 100% and at times you think to yourself things aren't going to work out but for the most part it is treatable even if it has spread.
"But hopefully it hasn't and I don't have to go down that route because chemotherapy is tough  - but I will be willing to do whatever the specialists want me to do."
Craig is grateful that the response and diagnosis was so swift, and adds:
"It happened very quickly; I spoke to John Green immediately after I was aware of the lump, and he got me an appointment to see the club doctor straight away.
"On Monday I had an ultrasound scan and I saw a specialist on Tuesday who came to the conclusion very quickly that it was a tumour that had to be removed.
"Ten minutes later I was scheduled to go to hospital and have it removed; it all happened very quickly and I am very thankful for that.
"The staff and players have been absolutely top class, very supportive, and Glenn has been terrific.
"If it wasn't for such a professional group I probably wouldn't have been able to get it done as quickly as I did and the efforts behind the scenes have made things easier for me.
"I have been in touch with the majority of the players and before I knew the consequences we were actually having a laugh about it.
"I think some of the players, after the fact, might have thought it was inappropriate, but really they have been great and I appreciate all the support I have had from within the club.
"Everything should be fine although of course you have your doubts at times; obviously the football at this present moment is at the back of my mind other than me wanting everything to go well for the club while I am away.
"I have been thinking about the club while I have been going through this and I wish them all the very best.
"It's not nice, but there is a great chance of curing it even if it has spread.
"I was at Ipswich when Jason Cundy had his and after chemotherapy he was fine; I hope that is the route I go down.
"There is no way of knowing how long I have had it beforehand, but you must get it checked out and the staff were straight onto the case."
The players and the Canadian FA have been made aware of the situation.
MD Paul Aldridge says:
"The board and the staff all wish Craig a speedy recovery and we will ensure he gets the care and treatment he needs.
"He is a very popular person and all our thoughts are with him and his family."
Craig has asked that his privacy will now be respected at this difficult time.