Defoe's Back!

Jermain Defoe is back with England U21 party to face Greece - after initially being left out because of the thigh injury which ruled him out at the weekend.
Glenn Roeder's decision highlights the good relations between the club and England, and is something of a favour to David Platt, who was desperate to have Jermain on board after losing Arsenal's Francis Jeffers.
Says Glenn:
"He proved his fitness after a strenuous training session in which, amongst other things, he showed he could strike a ball - which is obviously key after a thigh strain.
"He was desperate to go and play for David Platt, and of course David was keen to have him.
"So I rang him to say that Jermain could join up with the party - and David has promised to keep in touch on a daily basis.
"We just hope that after helping out England he can return safe and sound to us; we are always pleased to help England even if some clubs aren't.
"He did some fibres in his thigh muscle last Tuesday and we just couldn't take a chance with him at the weekend, especially as he is such an explosive little player.
"If he was to have ripped his thigh muscle he'd have been out four to six weeks and I couldn't take that chance.
"That was why he wasn't on the bench on Saturday, but up to then he has played in every game; and if he is fit, at the moment, I can see him being on the bench for us."
And Trevor Brooking adds:
"It is good news; as with the seniors, the U21 game is in their hands and I am sure that David is delighted that Jermain might snaffle a goal or two for the side."
Aided, we trust, by Michael Carrick...