May 16 - Bo Ejenfors

Name: Bo Ejenfors

Lives: Jonkoping, Sweden

Occupation: Cultural Administrator

Years Supporting West Ham: 32

Why Did You Begin Supporting West Ham: I saw the Hammers as a 10-year-old on Swedish TV. I liked the play, the shirts and the name.

What Was The First Match You Saw Live: In fact it was not until April 12, 1988. We lost 1-0 against Arsenal at Upton Park.

Where Do You Watch Hammers Matches From: Mostly on Swedish TV, now and then at Upton Park when I get the chance to come over.

Who Is Your Favourite All Time Hammer: Tony Cottee.

Who Is Your Favourite Current Hammer: Trevor Sinclair.

What Is Your Most Memorable Match: The FA Cup final in 1980.

What Is Your Most Memorable Goal: Trevor Brooking's header in the above match

What Is The Best Thing About Supporting West Ham: People in Sweden are very interested in English Football, but most of them support big clubs like Man U, Arsenal, Liverpool and so on. It's a lot more "sporting" and entertaining to support the Hammers. Hammers is much more important to me than any Swedish club!

What Is The Worst Thing About Supporting West Ham: Well, there are always big expectations and then this "let down". Nearly every season is like that, but we don't give up, one day we will be there.

What Is Your All Time Memory as a Hammers Fan: Yet again the FA Cup final in 1980.