May 15 - Andy Ledington

Name: Andy Ledington

Lives: Stoke-on-Trent

Occupation: Unemployed

Years Supporting West Ham: 17

Why Did You Begin Supporting West Ham: My dad has supported them since 1964. He took me to see West Ham play at Stoke City in 1984 and I've supported them since.

What Was The First Match You Saw Live: Stoke City v West Ham in 1984, won 4-2. 

Where Do You Watch Hammers Matches From: East Stand or West Stand.

Who Is Your Favourite All Time Hammer: Julian Dicks.

Who Is Your Favourite Current Hammer: Paolo Di Canio.

What Is Your Most Memorable Match: It's got to be the 1-0 win at Old Trafford this season in the FA Cup against Man Utd.

What Is Your Most Memorable Goal: A Julian Dicks 30-yard free-kick at Nottingham Forest in 1995.

What Is The Best Thing About Supporting West Ham: The atmosphere among the fans and the roller coaster that the club take you on each season.

What Is The Worst Thing About Supporting West Ham: The unpredictability and not being a regular in cup finals.

What Is Your All Time Memory as a Hammers Fan: It's got to be either stopping Man Utd from winning the league in 1995 or the cup win at Old Trafford this season.