Pearce Proud

Stuart Pearce says he was as proud as punch to receive the Hammer of the Year award after the win over Southampton.

He has also revealed more details of the arrangement he hopes to have with West Ham next season as he looks to continue playing in claret and blue.

Stuart, who unburdened himself last week with the decision not to retire from playing just yet, admits he still has one or two details to discuss with Harry in the fullness of time.

"Harry's been under a deal of pressure, the same as all the players have as well," he says. "We've needed to scrap the last couple of months and try to get a few points under our belt.

"I've not really had time to sit and talk to Harry about my future; I know after only six months in the job myself the pressure Harry has been under.

"The bottom line is we haven't had time to talk about it but that has suited me as much as it has H.

"Without a doubt; I see my future as being in management or coaching, there is no doubt about it. So whether I sign a contract here or not I really have to safeguard my long-term future and not jeopordise it with a short term decision.

"I would think that I will probably have to play on with a clause in my contract that would free me to go on and at least talk with anyone who would be interested in my services as a manager."

But isn't playing a little more of a carefree occupation than managing? "It depends how much it means when you get beaten, and to me it means a great deal," he answers. I am quite aware of the experience of going home and taking a defeat with me, and Harry has that a hundred fold, but I'd like to think it hurts me to lose a game as much as it hurts Harry.

Playing this season injury free has certainly been a boost for Stuart, who says: "It's fantastic, and this season I have really enjoyed playing for the club, to be honest.

"Last season was obviously disappointing for me but now I've probably started to form a little bit of a bond with the supporters, something similar to what I had at Nottingham Forest.

"It takes time and x amount of performances to do that, and it was a great honour for me to receive the award in front of the supporters - and especially on the back of the result we got."

It is that will to win, rather than any other reward, which drives him on and he adds: "Money is not overly important to me - I would give a couple of hundred
thousand pounds to win the championship next year, don't worry about that.

"I'd give all my wages in a season to win the championship; winning matches is the only thing that is important to me."

That could make for a unique clause in Stuart's contract!

"If a youngster asked my advice I would say don't worry about the financial side of it," he emphasises. "If your performance is good enough that will take care of itself, and that  is the most important thing to bear in mind for young players and senior
players like me."

And his verdict of the win over the Saints? "It was a bit nervous but we'd have snapped anyone's hand off for a 3-0."