June 5 - Yves Roulet

Name: Yves Roulet

Lives: Zurich, Switzerland

Occupation: Bank employee

Years Supporting West Ham: 10

Why Did You Begin Supporting West Ham: As a trainee in London during the winter of 1990, I was introduced by one of my colleagues (Mr. Paul Richards) to the Upton Park life and also I remember West Ham for two reasons, one, their famous FA Cup victory over Arsenal in the 1980 FA Cup final as a second division team and, two, Bobby Moore was my dad's favourite English player.

What Was The First Match You Saw Live: My first experience was a 5th round FA Cup match against Crewe in February 1991 and I really appreciated the way WHU played football; very attractive and quick. Plus the superb atmosphere in the stadium! 

Where Do You Watch Hammers Matches From: West Stand Upper Level if I can get ticket or any place is good enough as I can come only once or twice a season unfortunately. 

Who Is Your Favourite All Time Hammer: It's difficult to say only one so let's go all in all for Trevor Brooking, Billy Bonds, Bobby Moore, Julian Dicks, Ludek Miklosko, Tony Cottee, Paolo Di Canio and Trevor Sinclair!

Who Is Your Favourite Current Hammer: Without any doubt Trevor Sinclair.

What Is Your Most Memorable Match: As I go only a few times I will say any game for me is a memorable one, but I will have to say the 2-2 draw with Man United in December 1996 where we came back from 2-0 down to 2-2 in the last 15 minutes, thanks to the missile from Julian Dicks from the penalty spot to bring us back in the match) and the fans from the Centenary Stand chanting to the Man United fans: 'You're not singing anymore!' What a memorable afternoon. 

What Is Your Most Memorable Goal: Apart the missile from Julian Dicks described above, the unique and the only one is from the great  Mr. Paolo Di Canio vs Wimbledon of course!

What Is The Best Thing About Supporting West Ham: Good entertaining football and great atmosphere in the stadium, exciting youth players coming through.

What Is The Worst Thing About Supporting West Ham: The lack of consistency (how many games have we lost by a 1 goal difference both home and away?) 

What Is Your All Time Memory as a Hammers Fan: Of course any promotions but also the way we have survived in the Premier League thanks to the transfers of both Paul Kiston and John Hartson back in the 1996-1997 season and more recently the excellent run in the FA Cup this year before the brutal ending in the quarter final.