Pearce's New Year Cheer

Ian Pearce has received some potentially good news in his long battle to get fit again.

Ian, who was due to see the surgeon who recently operated on him, Andrew Williams, on Thursday, should get confirmation that the recuperation time will not be as long as at first feared.

Mr Williams, who also operated on the knees of Trevor Sinclair and Titi Camara this year, will give a follow up report on Ian's progress, and the news is better than it could have been, as physio John Green explains.

"The operation was smaller than was originally anticipated," he says.

"It was expected to examine the underside of the patella - similar to what Ronaldo had - which would have meant being out for four or five months, but he has just had a nick to the top of the tendon.

"That has meant less delving and therefore less trauma to the knee and if the operation has worked that is great news - but if it hasn't then he will have to have the operation that was first envisaged.

"But already Ian tells us that the knee feels different to before, just walking or going up the stairs.

"He should be running again in the new year."

Fredi Kanoute looks as if he may lose his fitness battle to play at the weekend, and John adds: "He was brought off at half-time against Arsenal because he felt some stiffness, and that is often a precursor to a tear.

"He had only trained fully for three days before that game and, although there was no bleeding, there was increased fluid.

"The likelihood is that he will not play on Saturday but will be okay for Derby."

Gary Charles is still on the injured list, and John says: "He has tweaked his medial ligament so we have discontinued his rehab for the moment but doubtless he will be ready for the next reserve game in the new year."

Steve Bywater's Christmas will be made happier when he has the plaster taken off his hand on the 27th December, and John says: "He has been very frustrated."

Steve Lomas, who had hoped to get the pin removed from his broken toe on Wednesday, will now have it taken out at the weekend and John says: "The extra couple of days won't do him any harm."

Meanwhile, Paul Kitson, John Moncur, and Shaka Hislop - who had a very slight ankle soreness which led to Sven Andersson going on the bench on Saturday - are all in full training.