Hurst Backs Trevor

Sir Geoff Hurst has added his weight to the growing clamour for Trevor Sinclair to be picked for England this season.
Although still fighting his way back to fitness when England played Holland in a friendly recently, and therefore not considered for that squad nor the upcoming games as a result, Sir Geoff still thinks he could force his way into contention for international honours in time for the World cup.
"He is on the verge of playing for England, and it's nice to sing his praises," he says.
"He is a good lad, a good professional, plays anywhere, and is a terrific player.
"Young Michael and Joe are not far from playing for England on a regular basis which is fantastic, because we had years before Harry when players didn't even get through to the first team.
"That is a huge difference to previously and Harry deserves a lot of credit for that.
"And I think Trevor has been one of the best players we have brought here for some time.
"The moment he put the claret and blue shirt on he has been committed to the cause, and he is very popular.
"You never see him in the paper week in week out; you tend to see the bad news boys in the papers which I get fed up with.
"You don't see the Trevor Sinclairs of this world in the news.
"It would be good to see more articles about Trevor Sinclair as opposed to the negative side of players, the bad players you see in the press.
"I can't speak highly enough of him, and we missed him badly last year."
Sir Geoff sympathises, meanwhile, with Glenn's frustrations in the transfer market - especially the domestic one.
Glenn is close to adding fresh faces but it has been a long and unequal struggle, and Sir Geoff adds:
"The transfer market is very difficult and you are never sure with foreigners what their attitude is going to be.
"It is market forces because transfers between English clubs are becoming limited.
"You can get a foreign player for about half the money and can understand why clubs do that.
"But it is a risk - we have seen some fantastic ones and some disasters, not just at West Ham but other clubs as well."
* Sir Geoff's book, 1966 And All That, with Michael Hart, has just been published.