D-day Thursday

Chris Manhire, the director responsible for the new Dr. Martens stand, says Thursday is "D-Day" as far as the Leeds game going ahead is concerned.

He is confident the safety certificate will be issued, but if there is a major problem, it will not be left until Friday to postpone the game.

However, he says that communication with the relevant bodies is ongoing - which will hopefully prevent any nasty surprises that might lead to any problems.

"There is a policy of discussion with Newham council all the time and they attend the site most days," says Chris.

"If at the end Newham feel it is not safe, then unfortunately they might not issue the safety certificate.

"But we haven't worked so hard for the last twelve months for the game to be postponed.

"The testing that is going on at the moment to obtain the safety certificate will be approved by Newham police and other bodies.

"That is being done over the next two or three days, right up to the wire.

"We have spent quite a lot of time going through all the scenarios but things can be missed by everybody.

"If something that is unforeseen comes up I'm not saying it would be a problem but it could be.

"If it is a major issue and it has to be done before the game we will all try our hardest.

"There is dialogue with all the parties but there is always a gremlin in the cupboard.

"Frantic activity is the name of the game and there is still loads to do, but everyone is pulling in the same direction, and we are crossing our fingers.

"We have to get the whole stand going again with all the services needing to be connected, such as fire alarms and public address systems.

"There was a problem in the East stand yesterday but that was resolved - no doubt there will be others, though.

"At the moment we are on for a game; we'll be playing on Saturday, I hope.

"Everyone is doing their best to try and make sure that happens.

"It's busy; tempers are getting a bit frayed, but other than that it will be an interesting four days."

Chris hopes that the weather remains fine, however, and adds:

"The weekend weather was appalling and if it had continued raining it could have had serious consequences.

"But the weather has been great today and if it is nice and sunny eveybody works that little bit harder.

"The forecast is good and a decent spell of weather now is most welcome.

"If it had poured with rain most days this week the safety factor could have been a problem.

"If people go round today who know the site they would be amazed at how it's been tidied up, and that has been helped by this dry spell.

"Rain is a real nightmare at this time of the contract but hopefully the weather is set fair for this week."

And, explaining the movement of the pitch over the next 12 months, he says:

"The pitch is looking good; obviously it is quite a long way away but it will be moved in two phases.

"In September it will move 7.5 metres closer to the stand and in the close season we will move it further.

"Once that happens it will be fine, but even the September move will improve the viewing from the West stand.

"The view is going to be a good one, and Glenn Roeder will be close to the action.

"We've sorted his dugout and even if it rains he will be fine!

"The home dressing room looks really good, and hopefully they will have hot water.

"The away dressing room is actually further advanced - but it's not quite as big!"

Chris is pleased, however, that the proposed fixture with Chelsea, which would have been played on Wednesday, has been called off, and adds:

"I think it was a wise decision; the police didn't want to have the first game at night.

"To be fair, we would have struggled if we had had the first game on Wednesday."

So it looks like all systems go, and Chris concludes:

"We've tried to think of everything, but life has the habit of dealing an unexpected card.

"If there are issues I'm sure we'll resolve them.

"If by Thursday we have got the safety issues sorted then the final external works will be done.

"Newham are comfortable with Taylor Woodrow, in that they were happy with the works done so far.

"It's the safety certification of the main stand that is important so Thursday is definitely D-Day."