Moncs Signs Deal

John Moncur has signed a one year deal at West Ham and says: I'll end my days at Upton Park.

He has turned down an offer of a two year deal elsewhere, such is his keen desire to stay with the Hammers, even if it means a loss of earnings.

Explaining why he has turned down the increased security of a longer deal if he had moved on, he says:

"Harry has been great to me and I'd like to thank him for offering me another year.

"At the end of the day I think he still sees someone who can benefit him in certain ways.

"I'm definitely happy, really pleased to have signed another year, and I will finish my career at West Ham - which I've always wanted to do ever since I signed 7 years ago.

"I had offers from other clubs even this year and some have offered me a couple of years.

"I'd rather play for West Ham for a year than go somewhere else and earn a bit more money and go on a bit longer.

"It means more to me to play for West Ham than money or anything else.

"It was obviously a longer period of time elsewhere and people feel I could have gone on longer but if it means ending next year to stay with West Ham then I am happy to do that."

It is an increasingly rare sentiment and he adds:

"I don't think it happens so much now where a player will stay at one club for the love of the club.

"With the foreigners you get a lot of movement, and with the money that is thrown about nowadays it is a big incentive to move.

"You hardly see a players stay for more than 2 or 3 years now so it is a dying breed a little bit but I'm glad there are a few players who feel that way.

"In general it is frustrating for managers and players alike if a player doesn't really put his stint in but signs for big money you can see that his heart isn't in it.

"That has happened with certain foreign players over the period of years that they have been coming over here.

"That said, there a lot of brilliant foreign players and I've seen a lot at West Ham."

John cites Paolo di Canio as a prime example and adds:

"The input he has had at the club; he has an english mentality when he plays and is great in training.

"There are good foreign players that have come over and done really well Zola and players like that have been a credit to the game."

Of the less successful imports, he says:

"You'll see that anywhere, not just at West Ham, but at loads of clubs.

"But you'll see it with certain english players who just want to move and earn as much as they can.

"There's nothing wrong with that; it is only natural that players will want to better themselves.

"But it takes all sorts and I'm glad we've got a good mix down at West Ham."

Even in the reserves, John gives it his all, and he explains:

"You've got to do it for yourself, you don't want to kid people, and if it comes to the stage where I can't get near anyone and not playing well on a regular basis then I want to pack it in anyway, to be fair to the people that come in and pay money.

"I wouldn't want to let them down and I think every player should be like that - and I think you have definitely got that down at our club.

"You have got to look at youreself and how you are doing in training; I know I 'm not going to play every week.

"If you are in the manager's eye it helps, but if you become dead wood and you are not getting a look in, not getting in the squad, not training well, not playing well, and there's no future then yeah, I will revise it.

"Hopefully if the attitude is right it can go alright next year.

"At the end of the day the the fitness is the thing and you have to have the hunger and desire to do it when you are called upon."

Moncs has been involved in the last three games: a draw at Villa, a win over Derby, and the Newcastle defeat, and he admits:

"You look at the Newcastle game we didn't play well, every man jack of us, the attitude wasn't as good as the games where we clawed out the results.

"OK we didn't have Paolo and Fredi came off early so you are struggling straight away in terms of front players.

"But we have to look at ourselves and if we are going to lose we have to go down showing more effort and determination than we did there.

"I don't think it was one of them where we just threw the towel in, we never do that.

"But when you haven't got the ball and you are chasing for a lot of the game it becomes hard to have an effect on the game.

"But to be fair we only ended up losing 2-1 but the performance was poor."

There must be no such slacking against Leeds, he says, adding:

"We all have to give 100% because it will be one of the hardest games we face this year because they are flying and it will be a tall order.

"But we have to have the right attitude if we are to get a result."

He thinks Rio will get a warm welcome and adds:

"I suppose he wanted to better his England career by moving and that is entirely up to him.

"I think he will get a good reception.

"Of course you are going to miss quality like Rio but Harry didn't want to sell him.

"But it is just one of those situations where you can't do anything about it.

"Harry has brought in some good centre halves and it is a position he may even build on next year, you don't know."

As for relegation, he says:

"I don't even want to think about it but then you have to look at it and say we need to get one more win from somewehere to be automatically sure of our status.

"Hopefully we can get that win as quick as possible because we don't want it hanging over us."