Terms of Reference

Junior Supporters' Board Terms of Reference


The purpose of the West Ham United Junior Supporters’ Board (“JSB”) is to enable young Hammers fans, between the ages of eleven and 16, to have their say in all things West Ham United and to build a unique and strong communication between the Club and junior supporters, for the benefit of all supporters across the fanbase. Not only will JSB members be able to share their views with management staff at the Club, members will also have the opportunity to gain educational and career development skills during JSB meetings at London Stadium.


JSB Representatives

The JSB is structured with a group of ten loyal Season Ticket Holders aged between eleven and 16. The Club and Supporter Representatives will use the first year to work together to determine the future composition of membership of the JSB. The Club will review the membership of the JSB periodically and may seek additional representation to ensure it meets the Club’s equality, diversity and inclusion commitments.

Club Representatives

The JSB shall comprise the following members, representing the Club (together, “the Club Representatives”):

  • Supporter Engagement Manager
  • Matchday Safeguarding Manager

Other representatives will be invited to attend based on agenda items topical to their role. This includes Club colleagues, stadium partners and other external organisations, as agreed by the JSB.

JSB member application and selection process

Applications for the JSB are open to all West Ham United supporters between the ages of eleven and 16, who attend West Ham home or away matches and hold a Season Ticket.

Supporters wishing to apply for a role on the JSB will need to complete all areas of the JSB application form, including submitting a 60 second selfie video or 200-word statement depending on their preference.

If applications are oversubscribed, a panel consisting of three Club representatives from Safeguarding, Supporter Services and the West Ham United Foundation will come together to score applications in three categories giving a maximum score of 30, with the top ten scorers being notified of their successful application by telephone and email. All applications will be anonymised with no personal or contact details shared with Club representatives.

The Club has the right to decline applications received from supporters who are;

  • Under investigation for any breach of stadium regulations or matters concerning the Police that are relative to football
  • Currently serving a football, Club or stadium related ban
  • In arrears of any payments to West Ham United Football Club Ltd

Applications may not be progressed should there be any other reason that may bring the Club, the JSB or its members into disrepute.

The Club will provide means of application via whufc.com, by post, in large print or braille forms. Applications cannot be altered or submitted after the advertised deadline.

JSB members will be invited to attend all meetings of the JSB and can notify the Supporter Services team if they are unable to make the date at least seven days prior to the meeting date.

Season Agenda

The JSB will meet a minimum of two times per season with members of West Ham United staff, with the aim of working together to develop and maintain a positive relationship and the best supporter experience for all young West Ham United fans. All JSB members will be asked in advance of each meeting to provide a maximum of two questions for discussion, the points raised will then be reviewed by Club representatives throughout the season. The Season Agenda will be supported by a generic seasonal meeting calendar based on key milestones, reviewed at the start of each Season.


JSB members have a very important role to play on behalf of the younger generations of West Ham United supporters.

Ahead of each meeting, the Club will ask JSB members to provide a maximum of two discussion points for the meeting. This could be from the list below or any other topic that JSB members wish to raise:

  • Family entertainment
  • Stewarding
  • Concourse facilities and access
  • Services
  • Security
  • Ticket checks
  • Safety
  • Matchdays at London Stadium

There will be plenty of photo opportunities for JSB members at meetings. We are happy for JSB members to post pictures on social media, providing that the Club and their parents or carers are made aware of this in advance and that the post is not harmful to others or may make someone else feel uncomfortable.

Much like the DSB and FAB, JSB members will need to always preserve the integrity of the Terms of Reference and the Equality and Diversity statement.


The JSB will meet a minimum of two times per season with members of West Ham United staff.

The Club will issue approximate dates for all JSB meetings at the start of the season, with the aim of holding any meetings during the school holidays, early evenings, or at weekends to ensure maximum attendance.

The Club will provide appropriate representation from staff at each meeting to record and discuss the feedback, ideas and suggestions from JSB members.

The Club will ensure that all JSB members are sent notifications, (electronically or otherwise), of the date, time and venue for each meeting to be sent no less than 28 days before it is due to take place.

The Club will provide a copy of the agenda to all JSB members at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.

Recommendations and decision-making

Recommendations and actions will be discussed and agreed between by Club Representatives and JSB members during meetings. Agreed actions will be recorded in the minutes and reported on at the next meeting. The aim of the meeting should always be to try and make decisions by consensus. Where consensus agreement is not possible, the Club representative may decide to call a vote. The JSB must recognise that the Club is not bound to act on the outcome of these votes, albeit it is expected to take note of the outcome and use that in any considerations.


Any matter offered by any member of the Club or Supporter Representatives on a confidential basis will be governed by the Confidentiality Agreement. For the JSB to be effective members must respect each other, their views, any collective decisions made and recognise items identified as confidential.

In line with the Premier League Fan Engagement Standard, any intellectual property created in the course of the JSBs existence is owned by the Club.


The JSB and its processes will be constantly reviewed to ensure the views of young West Ham United fans are fairly and appropriately represented.

A seasonal review will take place as a matter of course.

The Club will have the right to ask a JSB member to leave at any stage should the forum be used inappropriately or outside of the Terms of Reference, under Section-Terms of Office.

The Club will provide a Fan Engagement Report section within its Annual Report.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion statement

All JSB members are committed to promoting equity, diversity and inclusion, by treating people fairly and with respect; and by providing equal access and opportunities for all Supporter Representatives.

  • All JSB members commit to openly supporting and participating in activities that promote equity, diversity, and inclusion for all protected characteristics
  • Both the Club and Supporter Representatives will be proactive in challenging abusive behaviour or discrimination in any form
  • All members of the JSB, including Club and Supporter Representatives, agree to work together in the best interest of progressing, celebrating and promoting EDI at West Ham United
  • JSB members outwardly demonstrate commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, aligning with the Premier League EDI Standard
  • All JSB members lead activities within their own supporter's group, which delivers on diversity of representation, equity and inclusive practices
  • The JSB will operate in an inclusive manner, representing a broad demographic and intersectionality of fans and welcoming the views and opinions of all West Ham United supporters
  • The JSB is designed to be inclusive, providing a representation of a broad demographic of fans, welcoming the views and opinions of all West Ham United supporters
  • The Club reserves the right to review the terms of agreement if any part of the equity, diversity and inclusion statement is called into disrepute (see also the Code of Conduct)

Amendments to the Terms of Reference and Equality and Diversity statement

The Club reserves the right to amend the Terms of Reference and the Equality and Diversity statement at any time and will consult JSB members.

Any amendments to the Terms of Reference and the Equality and Diversity statement will be confirmed in writing to JSB members and updated accordingly on Club channels.